Advanced Weather Notification System
KNOW when its about to SNOW

Get It On The App Store Get It On The Android Store
Set Your Location

Simply select your location, or search a different one using our simple interface e.g home or work.

Recieve Advance Warnings

As soon as Snow is forecoast for the area you have set, you will receive a push notification.

Be Prepared

Then just take the normal precautions like using our patented snow pre-salting device - Blastr.


Showcase Features & Benefits

Snowtification features a range of simple functionality that makes it a "have to have" app

Set your location

Simple add your location or search for an address.

Intuitive Markup

Lock it in by confirming its location on the map

Push Notification

Notification on your phone or watch upon the forecast of any snow.

Pro Version

Ability to store and monitor multiple locations. Fall release date.

Screenshot Showcase

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Bold, Simple, Robust.

more than just another weather app

IOS and Android

Launched on both iOS and Android (Phone and Tablet) you are now able to accuralty and reliable monitor the weather. Allowing you to relax and let the app do the work for you.

Commuity SUpport and feature requests

As we evolve and monitor the apps progress we will continue to advance its capabilites to ensure that it remains your trusted weather ally.
